Pastor's Introduction
The Church Council worked with the UCC Conference and Lutheran Synod to find a bridge pastor to serve Huff’s Union Church during Pastor John’s medical leave.
Pastor Benner-Smith’s was called to fulfill that need. Her main duties will include preparing and preaching during Sunday worship services, as well as assisting with catechetical class and various other committees and meetings.
She will also serve the members of the congregation in times of need, including sick and shut-ins, and serve as pastor for any special circumstances, including funerals, weddings, and baptisms.
Pastor Angelee is available through cell phone (215-771-9414) or email hyphenfarms@gmail.com.
Most weeks a contact made on a Monday, Wednesday, or Sunday will be returned that day. She is also available to meet in person as needs arise.
Please make an appointment for an agreeable time through a call or text, or on a Sunday following worship. She looks forward to caring for your pastoral needs
Our History
Huff's Church was founded as a Union Church in 1760. We recognize that from the beginning, and continuing today, the erection and maintenance of the church buildings as well as all organized groups involve joint Lutheran-UCC participation.
With the help of God, this spirit will continue here at Huff's Church.
Staff & Council
Our staff and council members tirelessly devote their time, ideas, and leadership to running the church.
Completed for 2020, a five year plan was provided.
We have a traditional worship service which may include new music as well as familiar hymns. People may be dressed in their Sunday best, or casual clothing. You are welcome to observe and participate as you wish, or jump right in and enthusiastically do everything with us.
We have a prayer list sheet as you enter the main floor of the sanctuary, where you may list names of people who would appreciate prayer. Please be sure they’ve agreed to have their names listed, since we do read names during our prayer moment in the worship service.
We celebrate Holy communion on the first Sunday of every month at our 10:30 worship service. Those who believe in Jesus as savior are invited to commune with us. We offer both wine and grape juice, as well as a gluten free option for our bread. You may choose to give to support our congregation, but do not feel you need to do this.
Coloring pages and crayons are available for young children as they arrive. There is a nursery provided for young children at the 10:30 Communion worship service. They will be invited to go downstairs (street level) with attending adults after the first ten minutes of worship. On non-communion Sundays, children ages 3 and above are invited to Sunday School after the children’s moment in the worship service. Parents are asked to pick them up after the worship service is over (through the double doors across from the main entrance, in the room to your right after the bathrooms).